Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Visit to the Pumpkin Patch!!!

A couple in our church has a pumpkin patch and invited us to come visit. It was lots of fun! Just when you think you've found the biggest, you see another that beats it! Everyone got to pick out their own to bring home. Since the walk back to the van was pretty long, Mom cautioned everyone to pick one they would be able to carry. Peter struggled with his, but found that he could stop every few minutes and use it to sit on for a rest! :)

Thursday, September 27, 2007


The boys got to help our neighbor dig potatoes from his garden today. Their yield was 2 bushels! David came home and exclaimed, "Mom! The potatoes were under the ground!!!"

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Just an ordinary day....

Daniel, Peter, and David playing in the field behind our house.

Andrew getting educated. He's in 4th grade this year.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Saturday....still warm!

We have had beautiful weather this week! Not sure how many more weekends will be warm enough to wash the cars!

Friday night

These pictures aren't for showing off the kids, but rather, for giving you a feel of the community park. The building here is the Township Office and Community Hall. Behind it is the library, a fire station, and recycling center.

There's a tennis/basketball court, volleyball net/court, soccer field, playground, picnic pavillion, and a nice winding walking path.

Across the street is a large gas station and a restaurant (a neat "diner" style).
Our church is on the opposite side of the open space.

After some time at the park, we headed over to the local ice cream place. This place is very popular. It's amazing how many customers will be lined up there at times!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

And now warmer!!! :)

So, the warm clothes get all unpacked, and some of the summer things put away and now it's back in the 80's! Guess this is Michigan!! I hear it eventually does get cold and stay cold, though! :)

These are just a couple of pictures I took while the younger boys and I went for a little hike tonight after supper. This is right across the road from us. Beautiful!

A couple of people have asked to see pictures of the parsonage we're living in and I'm finally remembering to do that! It's a wonderful home - more than adequate even for our huge family!
We feel very blessed!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Turning cooler

The last couple of days we've had a brief taste of fall. The high temperature only 58 and down near 40 last night. That meant Mom had to dig out the warmer clothes! Here's a sample of what that process looks like:

Here's a new experience for the Jones family - attending a soccer game! Thomas came in a little late, and has absolutely no experience, but he joined a local soccer team with several other guys from our church. He did quite well for a novice!!

It was a bit chilly - 43 when we left the house - but we've been told it's likely to snow at a game before the season's over! Guess we'll need lots of hot chocolate and blankets!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Today was a "day off" for Stephen and we spent it running errands in Holland. As soon as we got back the younger boys headed straight for their favorite spot - Mr. Gene's garden! He's our neighbor - and a very patient one I might add! He's spent so much time letting the boys ride around his farm on his golf cart and lets them "help" with picking produce. It's been really great for them!

Daniel left to tend the golf cart while Peter helps pick the corn.

Stopping at our apple tree on the way back to the house.

Shucking the corn! (Mom's sooooo glad they like doing this!)

Andrew and Peter show off their results.

And now, the best part - Dad cooking pork chops to go with the fresh corn!!

(No, that's not Steve's new bald's just the sun!)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Backyard view

Yeah! A camera for mom!

Just testing my new camera! I guess I'm getting old, because I'm finding it harder and harder to learn how to use new things. I'll try playing with it some, though, and hope to get some pictures up soon!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

She's gone :(

Here are some pictures from Abby moving into the dorm at IWU:

David, Daniel and Peter were so cute helping carrying stuff to her room.
Paul, Thomas, and Dad did the real work, but don't tell the little guys! :)

This is Abby with her roomate, Haley.

The little guys found lollipops (intended for the freshmen!) and rewarded themselves for all their hard work as movers.

Doesn't this sight just make you want to you cry?? It's Dad's one last shot after we said good-bye and she walked down the sidewalk away from us! So sad!!!! :(

But, it's all really good, too. We're so proud of who she is, the choices she's made, how hard she's worked and what we know she'll become. It's just bittersweet!

So, on the homefront, we're ready to settle into the new routine that fall will bring. The house is basically unpacked and settled and everyone starts school Tuesday. I think we'll all welcome getting back into that routine. We might still sneak in a quick run to the beach (the beaches on Lake Michigan are beautiful and just 30 minutes away!!), but the focus will definitely be changing.

For those of you praying for the sale of our home in Tuscaloosa, please continue! We appreciate you agreeing with us for God to take care of this - and soon!!!

Thanks for checking in!!