Sunday, August 26, 2007

Okay, so maybe I'm not so good at this blogging thing.....

I really did have good intentions to keep this blog up to date, and my main excuse is that I need to get some pictures to include with my posts, but, I guess I've just be lazy! Or maybe busy??!! :)

We're finally feeling pretty settled in our home. We have unpacked most all the boxes that will be unpacked (we have a wonderful storage space for those boxes that just need to sit) and I'm finally starting to feel some sense of order creeping back into our lives. It really does take some time! I'm even ready to get back into regular meal planning and cooking since the church completely overwhelmed us last week with a "pounding" that filled the pantry to overflowing!! We literally have boxes and boxes of canned goods, pasta, cereal, flour, and other groceries - more than could even fit in the kitchen! The coat closets are holding sugar and flour so we're hoping for a delayed cold season! :)

More changes are in store for our household.

Abby leaves for college (Indiana Wesleyan University) on Friday. We're going to miss her more than we can imagine, but are so proud of her and ready to see her step into this new phase of life.

After Labor Day Joshua will be the first Jones kid enrolled in public school! He'll be attending Byron Center Charter School for what will be his senior year.

Paul and Thomas will continue to homeschool, but will be enrolled in several classes at GRACE Homeschool Association Friday School.

Philip, Samuel, Andrew and Peter will also be homeschooling but have the new experience of being in band (Sam), choir (Andrew and Peter), and orchestra (Philip).

And David's new experience will be that he starts Kindergarten!!

Daniel will just be along for the ride in all the above!

Maybe next post I can include some pictures....

Thanks for all your prayers and words of encouragement!

The Jones Family

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay Beth!!!!
We knew you could do it!! Glad to hear things are going well. Sounds like your church did a great job "pounding" a family of 12!! We can totally see Sam in a band!! David J. T. Jones speculates that Sam is probably the keyboard player. The W. Jones family sure misses the S. Jones family!!! Wendell enjoyed talking with Steve the other day!! I guess Joel heads for Tuscaloosa in a few days. Thanks for the update and blessings to Abbey as she heads off to IWU. Love, Melissa